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Introducing The Roaming Scientist

Hello internet world! I thought it'd be wise to start my blog with a bit of an introduction and a description of what you can expect to find here at . My name is Carly Thomas and I am a Canadian, millennial (although I do rock a center part) & an international secondary science teacher. This is somehow my 12th year teaching in my fourth country and when looking through old photos recently I decided to make this blog to share insights into the #international teacher life (not only for science teachers) and to share ideas, strategies and resources for teaching middle and high school Science anywhere in the world.

12 Years of Teaching & 4 Countries... so far!

Model magic anyone?

I started my teaching career in Oakville, Ontario, Canada at a well established public high school known as T.A. Blakelock High School. Like many first year teachers I was overwhelmed and just trying to get through the year doing the best I could. I was in the interesting position of being in three different departments during my four years at TAB, the Science, Math & Modern Languages departments...and I taught classes in all three. From G9 Applied Math to G11 Biology, G10 French Immersion Science & G10 French Immersion Language Arts I was running across campus all the time.

During my 4th year teaching I decided to look into teaching #abroad, I wanted some more adventure & to see what a couple of years in a totally different country would feel like. I took a leave of absence from my job in Canada & signed a contract to teach in Guangzhou, China for two years at Nansha College Preparatory Academy. I very quickly fell in love with the international teacher life, the travel, the learning, the class sizes, the technology and quit my job in Canada. Since that day I have spent a total of 8 years teaching abroad, four in China, one in Venezuela at Colegio Internacional de Caracas & three at my current school: Rabat American School in Rabat, Morocco. It's been quite the adventure and I look forward to sharing my international teacher life with you here!

A Snapshot of my #Teacherlife

In my lab/classroom you will see a lot of hands-on learning, language learning tools & use of #technology, those are the kinds of ideas and resources I plan to share here on my Blog. Having taught in four different countries with a variety of curricula: Canadian (Ontario), American (NGSS & AP) and International Baccalaureate (MYP & DP) I have learned that certain things are important no matter where you are in the world. First: the scientific method, inquiry/investigation skills & general lab skills important, secondly: technology use, including information literacy is key and third: all learners are language learners & all teachers are language teachers, even native speakers need direct language instruction & we can all help our students to learn in these ways.

See you next time teachers, travelers & curious souls of all kinds.

The Roaming Scientist



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I'm the kind of teacher who is always trying something new, new labs, new Apps, new scaffolds and even new countries to live and teach in. I'm looking forward to share what I learn with you all through my weekly blog posts. 

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